Monday, 21 January 2013

If you searching any historical place for enjoy of his holidays, then not wait the place, in New Delhi a place is very hot for the tourist attraction point of view is the Qutub Minar. Delhi is well joined to major parts of India by the resources of air, rail and national highways road. Delhi is situated at an opportune distance from all the holiday spots in North India.

Many hotels of Delhi are located in the same area due to the huge popularity of the Qutub Minar. The Qutub Minar is the biggest attraction in New Delhi. It’s Located in Mehrauli area of South Delhi, the 73-meter tower is the tallest minaret in India, which is enclosed by numerous other historical monuments.

In this tower's Used 379 steps in this Minar from bottom to the top. Besides this, there is also certain word in Kupee language, which means that this tower was established to reflect the shadow of the God in both east and west direction.

The Qutub  Minar is very truthfully looked after by the establishment much like the same as other historic place in the country.


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